Software Development

  • Software Development is an intriguing yet very complex thing which would normally go through a lot of processes. Each step should not be taken lightly since the success of a project depends on them.

Analysis and Planning

  • At the first stage, stakeholders, end users and the project team often gather and discuss in order to determine what exactly the requirements are. Then, the project team has to lay out how future software is designed and which programming languages are going to be used.

Designing and Prototyping

  • Depending on the software development process you’re following, this step might mean you create simple wireframes to show how interactions will work in the software, or make more full-fledged prototypes in order to test with users. Alternatively, you might decide you need more user feedback and do a design sprint to quickly get a feature or idea in front of your users.

Software Development & Implementation

  • This stage is also known as “Programming” or “Coding”, at which computer programmers write program code in the suitable programming language. Then programmers conduct trials in order to detect errors and fix them until they’re error-free. This is the part when you would want to keep in touch with the development team as much as possible to ensure the pace of your project.


  • After the software is completely coded, it should be sent to the testing team before deployment, who gives feedback after using it. Although programmers should make sure there are not any errors existing, issues might not be obvious to them. Therefore, the testing team will use various test cases to have the software debug to ensure optimal functioning.


  • With everything out of the way, it’s finally time to launch your software to all of your users. What we’re talking about here is pushing your code into production. A smart deployment plan plus an error free product will more than likely ensure the success of a project.

Operation and Maintenance

  • The Software Development Process isn’t over once your software is launched. It’s a “Software Development Lifecycle”, afterall. The ending of one phase is just the beginning of another, and that goes for post-launch as well.Requirements and customer needs are always on the run. And as people begin to use your software, they’ll undoubtedly find bugs, request new features to be added, and ask for more or different functionality. Not to mention the basic upkeep and maintenance of your software to ensure uptime and customer satisfaction.Finally, after the software is installed on the clients’ systems or devices. The programmers will carry out periodic maintenance in order to ensure programs can run smoothly and keep up with other apps of the same use overtime.
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